Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor Rodger Alan Friedman Shares 3 Steps to Get Serious about Planning for Your Retirement

Last year, when the Federal Reserve Board asked, more than half of all respondents admitted they were not confident or just slightly confident of making the right retirement investment decisions. Indeed, the Fed’s report expressed alarm at how unprepared investors are at making the best possible choices at a time when most people’s retirement plans are self-directed.

Chartered retirement planning counselor Rodger Alan Friedman, CRPC®, is worried too. He says, “Getting the retirement equation right is no more a do-it-yourself exercise than home root-canal kits … The vast majority of Americans will not thrive in retirement. That is reserved for people who understand the risks they face in the later stages of their lives. They acknowledge that preparation is necessary and they do the intelligent thing—they seek help.”

In his new book, Fire Your Retirement Planner You: Concise Advice on How to Join the $100,000 Retirement Club, Friedman builds a case for why amateurs are not up to the challenge of maximizing their retirement assets.

He can talk about:

•3 simple steps to take now to get serious about saving for retirement.
•10 questions that determine if you are a retirement-planning underachiever.
•What Elvis would likely be shilling, if he were alive.
•What not to include in your retirement plan.
•Why so few manage to make it into the $100,000 a year retirement income club and how checking your ego and being coachable can help you get there.
•And much, much more.

Friedman’s new book, Fire Your Retirement Planner You: Concise Advice on How to Join the $100,000 Retirement Club, can be purchased at Amazon.