How To Store And Winterize Outdoor Power Equipment Properly
During the seasonal transition from fall to winter, yards become dormant for several months and yard work is reduced significantly. Briggs & Stratton Corporation reminds homeowners to prepare and store outdoor power equipment so it starts effortlessly in spring and helps ensure longevity of their equipment.

Briggs & Stratton encourages operators to store equipment safely during winter months so it starts effortlessly in spring. (PRNewsfoto/Briggs & Stratton)
There are five essential winter storage steps to extend the life of a lawn mower:
1. Add fuel stabilizer
- Reduce the risk of buildup in the internal components by adding fuel stabilizer to the gas can every time you fill up at the start of the season. If you missed this past season, add the fuel stabilizer to the fuel tank and run the engine to circulate it through the carburetor.
2. Change the oil
- Extend the life of the engine by changing the oil and oil filter (if equipped).
3. Remove battery, if equipped
- Prevent corrosion by disconnecting the battery, cleaning the terminals and storing the battery in a cool, dry place.
4. Clean the undercarriage
- Keep your lawn mower running smoothly by cleaning with a pressure washer or garden hose to remove grass, dirt and debris from the lawn mower deck and blades.
5. Store your lawn mower in a cool, dry place
- Avoid moisture damage by storing your mower in a cool, dry shed or garage.
Pressure washer storage is similar to the steps we take for mower preparation. Repeat steps one and two, then flush and drain the machine to clean the detergent tank. Before storing, fill the machine with pump saver to prevent rust and freeze damage.
Before you spend time on the weekend preparing your equipment for the change in seasons, review the operator’s manual ahead of time and wear pants, closed-toe shoes, gloves and ear and eye protection.