Sanofi Launches First-Ever ACT® Kids Toothpaste in the U.S.

Sanofi announced today the launch of ACT ® Kids Toothpaste, a new anti-cavity fluoride toothpaste that is specially developed for kids two years of age and older. With its bubble gum and fruit punch flavors, 4 out of 5 parents say ACT Kids Toothpaste motivates their kids to brush their teeth.1

“We are excited to introduce our first children’s toothpaste into the portfolio of oral care products that ACT currently offers,” said Jennifer Cooper, Associate Director – Oral Care, Sanofi Consumer Health Care. “Our hope is that this new product will help motivate kids to brush and inspire parents to further instill healthy oral care habits at an early age.”

A recent survey found more than half of moms (56%) struggle with getting their kids to brush their teeth, illustrating the need for new oral care products that make this daily battle easier. Additional findings from the recent survey of moms include the following:*

•A majority of moms (73%) say they wish their kids were motivated to brush their teeth instead of seeing it as a chore
•Nearly 4 in 10 moms (35%) say getting their kids to brush their teeth is one of their most frustrating daily battles, in line with convincing them to eat their vegetables (38%) and putting them to bed at night (40%)
•More than half of moms (52%) say they would give up their “me time” for a month if it meant they never had to battle with their kids again to get them to brush their teeth

“Getting children to brush their teeth well and often can be a challenging battle for parents but it is incredibly important for the prevention of cavities,” said Paul H. Carico, III, DDS with Chattanooga Center for Comprehensive Dentistry. “With flavors kids enjoy and the power of fluoride, which safely strengthens teeth and prevents tooth decay, parents can trust ACT Kids Toothpaste as a new option to help their children maintain a clean, strong smile.”

ACT Kids Toothpaste is rolling out to a variety of retail locations in March-April 2017, including select Walmart, Walgreens, and Target locations. In addition to the toothpaste, the ACT Kids line includes anticavity rinses that can be used after brushing by kids 6 years of age and older for the optimal oral care routine.

*This survey was conducted online using Toluna’s QuickSurveys methodology between February 13, 2017 and February 14, 2017 among 1,150 moms in the USA with children between the ages of two and 12. Respondents for Toluna QuickSurveys are selected from among those who have agreed to participate in Toluna surveys.

Toluna’s SmartSelect™ methodology was used to promote sample representativeness. SmartSelect relies on statistical matching rather than probability sampling to select survey respondents, based on demographic, attitudinal and behavioral characteristics that match those of the target population. Figures for age, gender, region, race/ethnicity, education and income are also weighted to bring them into line with their actual proportions within the population. Because the sample is based on those who agreed to participate in Toluna surveys, no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.