HBand – Turns Your Wrist Into A Phone
The first strap to turn your watch into a phone answering device, HBand replaces your current watch strap with a built-in Bluetooth audio for Apple and other 22-24mm watches. The patented technology allows for users to answer phone calls with the flick of a wrist, by raising their hand to their ear. For added convenience, HBand also has a hands free mode, by removing the audio fob from the strap and operating it like a typical Bluetooth headset.

While Apple and other Smartwatches offer many features, they all lack “private calling”. HBand solves this problem not only for smart watches, but for classic watches too. The slim, removable audio fob offers:
- High quality call and music audio
- Voice command support with Siri and Google Now
- Notification and time text-to-speech (with companion app on Android)
- Noise and Echo cancellation
- Water resistance IP67
- A magnetic charger
The HBand is offered in 3 variants: Apple, non-Apple and HBand with Integrated Classic Watch. The companion app for Android, Bluetooth Audio Manager, further enhances the suite of HBand features.
PHTL is home to innovative smart products, HBand being the first of a line of products scheduled to launch in 2017. Hband can be ordered thru Amazon.