What’s the Remedy for That? The Definitive Homeopathy Guide to Mastering Everyday Self-Care Without Drugs By Kathleen K. Fry, M.D
Was it the tacos you ate from the street vendor or the “bottled water” they filled from the tap and relabeled? No matter the cause, nothing ruins a vacation like a bad case of food poisoning. Unless it is sunstroke or more mosquito bites than you can count or a hangover or motion sickness.
In her new book, What’s the Remedy for That? The Definitive Homeopathy Guide to Mastering Everyday Self-Care Without Drugs, Kathleen K. Fry, M.D., addresses homeopathic cures for illnesses that are likely to befall travelers as well as people who stay home. But with travel season underway, her advice is especially relevant for adventurous travelers who want to only take home good memories.

What’s The Remedy For That? book cover (PRNewsfoto/Kathleen K. Fry, M.D.)
Frequently quoted in Self, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal and other magazines on health matters, Fry can discuss how to:
- Treat yourself for food poisoning with over-the-counter homeopathic remedies for less than $10
- Avoid a trip to the local Urgent Care in the middle of the night when your child has an ear infection while on vacation.
- Get rid of a hangover after too much wining and dining.
- Relieve sore muscles without drugs after you spent too many hours traipsing through museums.
- Ease even the whitest knuckles of those who are afraid to fly with a non-tranquilizing homeopathic remedy.
Credentials: Kathleen Fry, M.D., is a past president of the American Holistic Medical Association (now the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine) and a Founding Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. Trained in conventional, holistic and homeopathic medicine, early on she incorporated homeopathy into her Ob/Gyn practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. Now, besides writing and speaking widely about the health benefits of homeopathy, she practices as a homeopath in Boulder, Colorado, across the US and globally. What’s the Remedy for That? is her second book.