Luvabella and Luvabeau, the most adorable interactive baby dolls ever
Spin Master Corp. announced the arrival of Luvabella™ and Luvabeau™, the most interactive and lifelike baby dolls ever. With so many real baby surprises to discover, kids will be continuously amazed.
The first doll of its kind, Luvabella is a technological breakthrough with hundreds of lifelike expressions and interactive responses based on advanced animatronic technology. Both Luvabella and Luvabeau behave like real babies. Tickle Luvabella’s tummy and she’ll giggle. Feed her with her spoon and she’ll start to chew. Cover Luvabeau’s eyes and he’ll play peek-a-boo. Give him his lamby toy and he’ll give it a kiss. Like real babies, Luvabella and Luvabeau are never predictable but always adorable. The dolls’ realistic facial expressions, unpredictable responses and ability to say over 100 words inspired tech reviewer Gizmodo to call Luvabella “a quantum leap when it comes to interactive toy babies.”

Every child wants a baby doll to loveand these baby dolls love back. (CNW Group/Spin Master)
“We’ve taken classic doll play to a whole new level, allowing children to fully immerse themselves in the imaginative world of nurturing,” said Nancy Zwiers, Chief Marketing Officer of Spin Master. “Most baby dolls can do one thing, while Luvabella has hundreds of unique lifelike responses, making her irresistible to everyone who has experienced her realism and interactivity first hand…it’s beautiful to see.”
Luvabella is available in three skin tones and Luvabeau is her brother. The dolls are so lifelike and easy to love, they’re great preparation for children waiting to welcome a new sibling into the family.
“With the release of Luvabella and Luvabeau, Spin Master remains at the forefront of innovative toy technology and trends,” said Ben Gadbois, Spin Master’s Global President and COO. “Luvabella is a reflection of Spin Master’s commitment to continual innovation and collaboration. Our talented internal teams partnered with external inventors to create this breakthrough. We’re excited with the release of this one-of-a-kind, highly sophisticated doll and we expect Luvabella to be a kid favorite this holiday season.”
Luvabella’s adorable face and surprising reactions appeals to both girls and boys in a wide age range, from toddlers to young school-aged children (recommended for children 4+). Luvabella (MSRP: $99.99) is hitting stores now, and will be widely available early October 2017, right in time for holiday gift buying. Please check in with your favorite retailer for availability as product is continuously hitting shelves.