Happy Tummies: A Cookbook for New Mamas, by Karen Folcik
With a nation focused on nutrition, and frequent recalls on prepared baby food catching parents’ attention, Bright Ideas Publishing is ecstatic to announce Happy Tummies: A Cookbook for New Mamas, by Karen Folcik – a soon-to-be countertop staple cookbook and evidence-based reference guide about feeding your baby the easiest way – using nutritious, whole food ingredients that you already have in your kitchen – while Mom is making delicious and nutritious meals for herself.

Happy Tummies is a brilliant new cookbook and guide to help unravel the misinformation about feeding your baby. (PRNewsfoto/Bright Ideas Publishing)
“I made nearly all of my first son’s baby food from scratch,” Folcik said, “Not because I have endless energy or because I thought I was Supermom, but because I just fed him foods I was eating. If I had bananas at home, he had bananas. If I was making chicken and rice for dinner, that’s what he had too.”
Written for the busy, modern mom, Happy Tummies unravels and clarifies the confusing and misleading web of information on how and when you can feed which ingredients to your baby, all based on the latest recommendations from organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Happy Tummies was thoroughly reviewed and edited by Registered Dietitian Cassandra Edwards, who co-wrote a feature Q&A section in the book.
“It can be tempting to keep a few jars of processed food in the pantry, but homemade baby food always comes out on top,” said Folcik, “Cost savings, nutrition content, and food safety are all superior when you make the food yourself; and Happy Tummies gives you practical tips and examples to make it just as easy.”
Karen Folcik is a wife and mom of two boys. She received her Master’s in Social Work from Columbia University and worked as a counselor for children and families prior to becoming an entrepreneur.