New Resources From Pet Food Institute Explore How Pet Food Is Made

With over 160 million dogs and cats in the United States, America’s pet food and treat makers have the important responsibility of providing safe and nutritious meals for our pets. The Pet Food Institute (PFI), whose members make 98 percent of all U.S. pet food and treat products, recently released a new video and web content highlighting the manufacturing process for pet food and the safety practices in place.

From the ingredient supplier to a pet’s bowl, PFI members implement rigorous practices to advance food safety and nutrition. While following strict regulatory oversight, pet food and treat makers are working to ensure they have reliable and trusted ingredient suppliers, maintain hygienic and secure facilities, conduct inspections and testing of ingredients, monitor the manufacturing of the food and provide traceability assurances during packaging.

The new PFI resources walk through this journey and inform pet lovers about the process of bringing food to dog’s or cat’s bowls.

“Pet lovers have questions about their dog’s or cat’s nutritional needs and PFI is here to provide straightforward answers,” said Cathleen Enright, PhD, president and CEO of PFI. “For PFI members, bringing transparency to the pet food manufacturing process is just one way we can help support pet ownership.”

Enright added that they hope content like this will make pet ownership easier because there are a wide variety of benefits to having a pet.

“Data shows that companion animals provide mental and physical benefits for humans,” Enright said. “By providing concise information in one central location we hope we promote responsible pet ownership that will benefit both pets and people.”

For an in-depth look at the manufacturing process and safety steps taken from nutrient to bowl, please visit