Craig Daliessio’s new book: “Nowhere To Lay My Head: The True Story of a Homeless Dad”

Craig was a successful mortgage banker in Nashville, TN. When the economy collapsed in 2008, he lost his career, and his home. Meanwhile, his ten-year-old daughter began suffering abuse at the hand of her mother’s new husband. Unable to find work, and unwilling to leave town with his daughter at risk, he chose to stay. A choice that meant living in his car.

This choice became a six-year journey of homelessness for the sake of his fatherhood. In his book, Daliessio describes the hopelessness, loss, and shame he experienced as he struggled to find work, rebuild his life, and remain the daddy he had always been to his only child, his daughter, “Daisy.”

He is a man who refused to give up hope, even though there was little hope to be found.

•Three times he was hired for jobs and, eventually those companies folded.
•Twice he was offered to return to the mortgage industry and both times the stranglehold of the new healthcare laws was too costly, and the companies rescinded their offers.
•He completed his Bachelor’s degree and graduated, while homeless.

“Nowhere To Lay My Head” is a story of the faith that strengthened him through the dark days, and long, frigid nights. It’s a story of hope. It’s a story of the love between a dad and his daughter, the price of that love, and the cost of fatherhood.

Radio host and author Dave Ramsey calls this book “Riveting,” and says: “You will not put it down!”

Craig is now a Business Relationships Manager for Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, where his daughter is a sophomore.

Craig is an engaging brilliant storyteller with a warm, humorous, emotional style.